Monday, January 02, 2006

Monday Before School

Tomorrow morning it starts all over again. Up at 4 am, quick shower, pack up all my gear, and then head out to catch the number 68 bus through downtown L.A. The Winter session at Trade Tech starts tomorrow and I will be working as a Teacher Assistant for Chef Gio and his first semester Culinary Arts class. It is only five weeks, Monday through Friday from 6 am till around Noon. I haven't been back to school since visiting last October, about a month after my dad died. It will be good to get out and get back in the groove of things.

Today the cinnamon bunz were made, Michael ate a few, testing for quality, of course. Lauren's family will get the next batch. I will take some tomorrow for the morning. Don't want the temptation hanging around the house. Oatmeal for me, coffee and some fruit. Also made the pizza, three cheeses and a bit of diced ham. That slow rise in the frige makes all the difference in creating the depth of flavor in the dough. Also made a white bean soup, very hearty and soothing.

Not that I have ever been all that interested, but the Rose Parade today got rain for the first time in about 50 years. Let's see, one husband with the USC band one year, so he says. And a boyfriend of mine was a real fan, dragged me to see the floats the day after the parade one year. But the big surprise is that the Rose Bowl won't be played until Wednesday. I predict USC will win, 53 to 27.

When I get a camera and when I can figure it out, I will post pictures of the finished products. Recipes will be posted later this week. Have a great day and stay dry.

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