Friday, April 04, 2008

"Happy, happy happy anniversary..."

"It seems like only yesterday I was yelling at her to clean her room!" I told myself in disbelief. Yes, it is true, today is the 10th anniversary of the Frog Daughter's wedding to my beautiful son-in-law. The young ladies in the wedding party stayed over at our house the night before. Then the brother-in-law to be showed up, due to a late flight, so we put him in the living room on the sofa. To get everyone in the proper mood, we all watched "So I Married An Axe Murderer" which is truly Mike Myers' best performance. "Heed!" as the dad yelling at the bushy-haired son to get out of the way of the TV, and then going off about "The Colonel" and his "wee beady eyes" just cracks me up! Click the post title and to see a snipet from the wedding reception.

Hair dryers, clothes, make-up everywhere, the house looked like a college dorm. Weeks later, I was still finding curlers under the sofa cushions! It was a beautiful wedding, baby girl. Enjoy the day, and remember to start planning the "Vegas" trip. Con mucho carino y besitos to you both!


maltese parakeet said...

so i married an ax murderer is probably one of my husband's and my favorite movies. we can recite verbatim (and in the accent) the whole scene where he makes fun of the size of his younger son's head. it's like an orange on a toothpick! anyone who loves that movie is buena gente in my book. happy anniversary to your daughter. i think i'm going to pop in that dvd right now! a piper is down!

La Vida Dulce said...

"Woman, whoa-MAN!" Yeah, that is one crazy flick we can watch over and over. Could there be anything better to watch on the night before a wedding, with a house full of the bridal party participants? BTW, we had the rehearsal dinner at a pub, complete with fish & chips, whiskey, and champagne!!