Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog's Day Culinary Style

Comedy Central is running this movie all day today. It had me thinking about what day would I choose to live over and over again, like the Bill Murray character. Of course, my choices were related to a favorite meal, restaurant experiences, or the days spent in culinary school. It was hard to narrow it down, there are so many.

That one experience would have to be the day I spent making fresh pasta with my kids. Fetuccine was everywhere, all over the house! We opened all the cupboard doors and hung the freshly made noodles over the top. Flour all over our faces and the pasta bubbling, ready to eat in just moments. I made a meat sauce and we ate all of it, all that pasta, no leftovers. Probably one of the best days of my life.

So, I ask you, what culinary moment in your life would you like to re-live, and do it over and over again? Maybe you have a few, that's fine. Let me know, and if your Groundhog's Day moment includes a recipe, so please post that as well.

They will all be out here next week, so look for our pasta post coming up soon!
"You're the best!"


glutster said...

thanks for commenting, it's nice to know someone actually reads my stuff.

La Vida Dulce said...

Your blog is one of the best I've read. Keep chowin'!!