Monday, January 15, 2007

Remembering the Cup Noodle Inventor

Look into the cupboard of any American office breakroom, college dorm, or kitchen and you might find one or two styrofoam containers of Cup Noodle. Go open your own cupboard and check. See, I told you so! For many years now these little instant ramen soups have been a staple for college students, soccer moms, busy workers, anyone in a hurry for a quick meal or snack. Even during our current "winter weather" way down into the low 20s and 30s, (yes, laugh at us wimpy Southern Californians, but last week it was over 85 degrees F!) a warm container of Cup Noodle can take the chill off a cold evening.

We noticed the marketing strategy, aimed at the growing numbers of Latino foods purchasers. That shrimp picante flavor is an example. Earlier this month the inventor of the Cup Noodle passed away, Mr. Ando. With respect and admiration for bringing the simple instant ramen soup into the homes of so many around the world, all of us here at La Vida Dulce offer our thanks and appreciation for years of providing a quick lunch, a late night snack, or an after-school treat. Vaya con Dios!

1 comment:

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Welcome back. I too have eaten my share.